Thursday, November 10, 2011

Goodwill Hunting

I love to shop at Goodwill.  Saturday mornings are pure bliss - my husband takes the kids and I get to drive around town and shop at our city's two Goodwill stores.  We also have a Salvation Army, but it's small and the merchandise is often overpriced, IMO.  I don't shop there often.

About a month ago, I bought a pretty pink dish at Goodwill for $2, and, with two dollar store additions, I turned it into an objet d'art that I call ''Birdies Taking a Bath.''

I went to a Dollar Tree and bought a bag of crafting birdies and a jar of something called ''Decorative Accents,'' which are water-absorbent polymer beads used in floral arrangements.  They're non-toxic and cool-looking, although I wouldn't let small children play with them.  They're also prone to evaporating.

Here's the dish before:

And after.  Voila!  Now it's Birdies Taking a Bath! Instant object d'art.  Not bad for $4.

Curbs - My Enthusiasm

I love to roam my neighborhood on trash pickup day and see what treasures people have thrown to the curb.  Sometimes I find gems, such as this wood cabinet:  it's in excellent condition, save for a few scratches, 25 inches in diameter, and has a round top covered in a granite-like stone (practical - no need for coasters!), and an octagonal cabinet with a door that opens (great for storage!).  This cabinet is so nice and in such excellent condition, that it would be a shame to '' shabby chic'' it.  I will try to sell it on Craigslist and keep you posted of the outcome.

BTW, it amazes me what people throw away in tough economic times, especially in neighborhoods like mine that are solidly middle class where people are hurting for money.  Someone probably could have sold this cabinet for fifty or sixty bucks. 

Hey....could this be a new business venture?  Selling throwaway furniture on Craigslist?  I'm a stay-at-home mom, so I'm always looking for ways to make a little money.